update notes

Signed-off-by: Soc Virnyl Estela <contact@uncomfyhalomacro.pl>
This commit is contained in:
Soc Virnyl Estela 2024-06-29 23:47:26 +08:00
parent d2d073c99d
commit eec35d1c89
Signed by: uncomfyhalomacro
SSH key fingerprint: SHA256:9Ez84JDMZLHJvRH+Kjgvlb+eX82QYEW127e6Rj66zBY
10 changed files with 103 additions and 63 deletions

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@ -0,0 +1 @@
Time to learn [[Tech/Compilers and Languages/Elixir|Elixir]].

content/Poems/ai.md Normal file
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@ -0,0 +1,6 @@
ai ai ai
ai ai ai!

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@ -1,55 +1,56 @@
title: I switched to Quartz
date: 2024-06-27
updated: 2024-06-29
I have switched over to [Quartz][quartz]. I was not really sure if I should switch but given the fact that my garden is getting bigger, it's time to move over to a solution where I can create a network, a "second brain" — a [zettelkasten][zettelkasten].
I really like that it supports [GitHub Flavored Markdown][gfm]. Because I can do other things like emphasising points or put warnings.
I really like that it supports [GitHub Flavored Markdown][gfm]. Because I can do other things like emphasising points or put warnings. See [freeCodeCamp's](https://www.freecodecamp.org/news/how-to-create-notice-blocks-in-markdown/) guide to use this. You can also extend it using Obsidian's Markdown Flavor [here](https://help.obsidian.md/Editing+and+formatting/Callouts). Quartz support both of these markdown flavours which is a nice addition.
## Content Emphases
Written as
> [!EXAMPLE]- Examples
> Warnings are rendered as
> > [!WARNING]
> which are written as
> ```md
> This is a warning
and rendered as
> Some text here
> ```
> Info are rendered as
> > [!INFO]
> and are written as
> ```
> [!INFO]
> Some text here
> ```
> You can make it a drop-down. This example is written like this
> ````
> > [!EXAMPLE]- Examples
> Warnings are rendered as
> > [!WARNING]
> which are written as
> ```md
> This is a warning
Written as
> Some text here
> ```
> Info are rendered as
> > [!INFO]
> and are written as
> ```
> [!INFO]
> This is info
and rendered as
> [!INFO]
> This is info
Written as
> This is important
and rendered as
> This is important
> Some text here
> ```
> You can make it a drop-down. This example is written like this
> ````
> The `-` in the `[!EXAMPLE]-` creates a drop-down.

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@ -0,0 +1,32 @@
title: Elixir
date: 2024-06-29
# What is it?
It's a Ruby-esque language leveraging the Erlang VM, thus, allows concurrent programming primitives in the language.
# Some first impressions
I don't like that Elixir that *assignment* is not really a variable assignment but a *match* for **match patterns**. This came from a book a read. You can check it out from this [link](https://pragprog.com/titles/elixir16/programming-elixir-1-6/). I am not sponsored. Obviously.
a = 1
1 = a
2 = a # errors here
The usual languages I tried usually use `=` equal's sign for assignment and `==` double equal's sign for comparisons. This is quite new to me to be honest.
> [!INFO]- Woops
> I just found out that this is because of Erlang's usage of `=` which resembles close to algebraic math syntax such as `x = y + 1` which can also be rewritten as `-y = -x + 1`. That makes sense. Seems my dislike is "I am not used to this" but I will get it soon ™️.
## Ruby-like
The language follows a [[Ruby]]-like syntax. I still have to expand this why because I have no idea why. Probably the creator is a Rubyist.
> [!NOTE]- Reminders for myself
> Programming is all about transforming data to another data. This is what I have felt off when using object-oriented programming languages because the real-world does not have real hierarchies. DNA is just "life" data for example. Chemistry is just "data". That's why I felt an attraction towards [[Functional Programming]] and might be why I learned faster in Rust than Python.

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@ -31,14 +31,11 @@ A1 --> ck
Encryption uses [ECDSA](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Elliptic_Curve_Digital_Signature_Algorithm).
Chain fusion allows
- enhanced [[Tech/Web3 and Blockchain/Smart Contracts|smart contracts]]
- improved user experience
- unified dev environment
- increased security
> [!NOTE]- Chain fusion allows
> - enhanced [[Tech/Web3 and Blockchain/Smart Contracts|smart contracts]]
> - improved user experience
> - unified dev environment
> - increased security

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@ -29,7 +29,8 @@ DFINITY Founder talks about Internet computer in the following video
Achieving decentralisation in the blockchain is a difficult task. Other existing technologies have found themselves to be semi-decentralised. Although, that's still a negligible issue, it does also defeat the purpose of achieving decentralisation as a whole.
ICP believes that they have to achieve this by designing their own cloud services that is focused entirely in decentralisation by hosting servers at different parts of the world
> ICP believes that they have to achieve this by designing their own cloud services that is focused entirely in decentralisation by hosting servers at different parts of the world
### Nodes and Subnets

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@ -4,10 +4,11 @@ The node client is configurable and modifiable. It allows federated services whi
# Decentralised DNS
Key things to note:
> [!NOTE] Key things to note
> - Different from traditional DNS
> - Versatus made their own DNS process which is decentralised
- Different from traditional DNS
- Versatus made their own DNS process which is decentralised
The Versatus DeDNS uses blockchain and web3 protocols to store names or records in a decentralised network scheme.
@ -17,6 +18,7 @@ This means node owners are incentivised for maintaining these nodes.
Unlike traditional DNS records where they are stored as "traditional" DNS records, ==Decentralised DNS or DeDNS Records are [Web3 Domains](https://www.gate.io/learn/articles/all-you-need-to-know-about-web3-domains/499)==
> [!QUOTE]
> Web3 domains are a new domain name system (DNS) designed to work on decentralized networks like the Ethereum, Algorand, Solana, and the Aptos blockchain. Instead of relying on traditional centralized domain registrars, web3 domains are registered, managed, and controlled on a decentralized network.
> For example, instead of a traditional URL like “www.gate.com,” a web3 domain might look like “gate.crypto”. For web3 domains, the registration and ownership are recorded on a blockchain, making it more secure and decentralized.

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@ -1,3 +1,3 @@
date: { { date } }
date: {{date}}

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@ -1,4 +1,4 @@
title: { { title } }
date: { { date } }
title: {{title}}
date: {{date}}

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@ -47,10 +47,10 @@ on [Sourcehut](https://sr.ht/~uncomfy) and
- **Go**. Learn it since it's used from various companies.
- **Ansible**. Notable for DevOps.
## Contact
Feel free to email me at
You can also contact me through Signal through this
> [!INFO]- Contact
> Feel free to email me at
> [contact@uncomfyhalomacro.pl](mailto:contact@uncomfyhalomacro.pl)([gpg](./static/public.txt)).
> You can also contact me through Signal through this
> [link](https://signal.me/#eu/2HXmicUGauVas7bp_wTU2Qwg08Ldza_K4uOt3emtYnAs3Av6kCpA-6WD9CytRr7N).