remove other lsps. julia only

Signed-off-by: Soc Virnyl Estela <>
This commit is contained in:
Soc Virnyl Estela 2024-06-06 10:55:02 +08:00
parent 3c460faa13
commit bf069d6634
Signed by: uncomfyhalomacro
SSH key fingerprint: SHA256:9Ez84JDMZLHJvRH+Kjgvlb+eX82QYEW127e6Rj66zBY

View file

@ -81,34 +81,6 @@ capabilities.textDocument.completion.completionItem.snippetSupport = true
-- Use a loop to conveniently both setup defined servers
-- and map buffer local keybindings when the language server attaches
local servers = {
pyright = {},
rust_analyzer = {
cmd = {
settings = {
["rust-analyzer"] = {
check = {
OnSave = true,
command = "clippy",
bashls = {},
clangd = {},
jsonls = {},
gopls = {},
ocamllsp = {},
crystalline = {},
zk = {
cmd = { "zk" },
hls = {},
zls = {
cmd = { "/home/uncomfy/Projects/zls-0.9.0/zig-out/bin/zls" },
filetypes = { "zig", "zir" },
julials = {
cmd = {
@ -137,108 +109,6 @@ local servers = {
solidity_ls_nomicfoundation = {},
biome = {},
tsserver = {},
gleam = {},
lua_ls = {
cmd = {
settings = {
Lua = {
format = {
enable = true,
defaultConfig = {
indent_style = "space",
indent_size = "4",
diagnostics = {
globals = { "vim" },
texlab = {
cmd = { "texlab" },
filetypes = { "tex", "bib", "plaintex" },
settings = {
texlab = {
auxDirectory = ".",
bibtexFormatter = "texlab",
build = {
args = { "-verbose", "-pdflua", "-interaction=nonstopmode", "-synctex=1", vim.fn.expand("%:p") },
executable = "latexmk",
forwardSearchAfter = false,
onSave = true,
forwardSearch = {
executable = "zathura",
args = {
vim.fn.expand("%:p:r") .. ".pdf",
lint = {
onChange = true,
commands = {
TexlabBuild = {
description = "Build the current buffer",
TexlabForward = {
description = "Forward search from current position",
-- linters + formatters
efm = {
cmd = { "efm-langserver" },
init_options = { documentFormatting = true },
filetypes = {
settings = {
rootMarkers = { ".git/" },
languages = {
lua = {
formatCommand = "stylua --color Never",
formatStdin = true,
rootMarkers = { "stylua.toml", ".stylua.toml" },
markdown = {
lintCommand = "markdownlint -s",
lintStdin = true,
lintFormats = { "%f: %l: %m" },
python = {
lintCommand = "ruff",
lintStdin = true,
lintFormats = { "%f:%l:%c %m" },
formatCommand = "ruff --stdin-filename %",
formatStdin = true,
for lsp, setup in pairs(servers) do